IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Network Dispatcher Router (NDR)

This chapter describes Network Dispatcher Router (NDR) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.001 rcv source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.001 Receiving packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address

Description: This message is generated for each packet which has passed first-level reasonableness checks.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.002 frg pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.002 Packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address requires fragmentation

Description: This message is generated when an IP packet needs to be fragmented for transmission.



Short Syntax: NDR.003 LL broadcast source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, discarded

Long Syntax: NDR.003 Received link level broadcast from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address, discarded

Description: This message is generated when an attempt is made to forward an IP packet that was received as a link level broadcast/multicast. Such packets are not forwarded, and are discarded without even sending back an ICMP message to the source.



Short Syntax: NDR.004 TTL zero source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.004 Time-to-live expired on packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address

Description: This message is generated when a packet is discarded because the time-to-live expired.

Cause: The packet has been through more routers than the initial value placed in the time-to-live field of the IP header by the originator. Many older systems use values of 15 or 30, which are not standard-conformant, and are often too small for current networks.

Action: Increase initial time-to-live value.

Cause: The packet was in a routing loop, going through a sequence of routers over and over until the time-to-live expired.

Action: Check the routing from the source of the packet to the destination, and see that there are no loops. However, temporary loops are an inevitable result of the timing out of routes in some routing protocols.



Short Syntax: NDR.005 pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dsc rsn reason_code, nt Network ID

Long Syntax: NDR.005 Packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address discarded for reason reason_code,network Network ID

Description: An attempt was made to send the packet on the specified network, but it was not accepted for transmission on that network. The reason_code indicates why the packet was not accepted. If the reason was flow-control, an ICMP source quench will be sent to the sender, otherwise an ICMP destination unreachable will be sent.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.006 New cnnct rqst r_a remote_addr r_p remote_port l_p local_port nd local_addr

Long Syntax: NDR.006 New connection request r_a remote_addr r_p remote_port l_p local_port node local_addr

Description: A new connection request has ebstablished.



Short Syntax: NDR.007 no cnnct r_a remote_addr r_p remote_port l_a local_addr l_p local_port flg flags

Long Syntax: NDR.007 no connection r_a remote_addr r_p remote_port l_a local_addr l_p local_port flg flags

Description: This packet is arriving for a connection that NDR do not have a connection record for

Action: Increment error counters and process locally.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.008 fwd fr client_addr cl cluster_addr pt port_id srv server_addr

Long Syntax: NDR.008 Forward from client_addr for cluster cluster_addr port port_id to server server_addr

Description: A TCP packet is forwarded to a server


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.009 found FTP CTRL connection

Long Syntax: NDR.009 found FTP CTRL connection

Description: found FTP CTRL connection



Short Syntax: NDR.010 no srv fnd src remote_addr clst local_addr pt local_port

Long Syntax: NDR.010 no server found for source remote_addr cluster local_addrI port local_port

Description: This packet is arriving for a connection that NDR do not have a connection record for

Action: Increment error counters and process locally.



Short Syntax: NDR.011 unexp SYN src remote_addr clst local_addr pt local_port srv server_addr

Long Syntax: NDR.011 unexpected SYN source remote_addr cluster local_addr port local_port server server_addr

Description: Unexpected SYN bit is set in the packet.

Action: Let the server resolve it.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.012 clean up everything older than the limit.

Long Syntax: NDR.012 clean up everything older than the limit

Description: clean up everything older than the limit



Short Syntax: NDR.013 bad INCONN rd rtrn remote_addr rmt pt remote_port

Long Syntax: NDR.013 bad INCONN record returned source remote_addr remote post remote_port

Description: Bad INCONN record returned.

Action: Continue executing.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.014 rcv frg pkt src source_ip_address dst destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.014 Receiving fragment packet from source source_ip_address for destination destination_ip_address

Description: A fragment packet is received.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.015 last frg pkt src source_ip_address dst destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.015 Last fragment packet from source source_ip_address for destination destination_ip_address

Description: A fragment packet is received.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.016 first frg pkt src source_ip_address dst destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.016 First fragment packet from source source_ip_address for destination destination_ip_address

Description: A fragment packet is received.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.017 fwd frg pkt pkt src source_ip_address dst destination_ip_address srv server_addr

Long Syntax: NDR.017 Forward a fragment packet from source source_ip_address for destination destination_ip_address server server_addr

Description: Forward a fragmentation packet to server.



Short Syntax: NDR.018 discd pkt src source_ip_address dst destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NDR.018 discard packet source source_ip_address destination destination_ip_address

Description: Discard the packet.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.019 Rply ARP clst cluster_addr

Long Syntax: NDR.019 Reply ARP request for cluster cluster_addr

Description: A cluster address is found for an ARP request



Short Syntax: NDR.020 ARP rqst for clst cluster_addr not fnd

Long Syntax: NDR.020 ARP request for cluster cluster_addr is not found.

Description: A cluster address is not found for an ARP request


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.021 adv adv_name on prt adv_port created.

Long Syntax: NDR.021 advisor adv_name on port adv_port created

Description: An advisor is created.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.022 adv adv_name on prt adv_port destroyed.

Long Syntax: NDR.022 advisor adv_name on port adv_port destroyed

Description: An advisor is destroyed.



Short Syntax: NDR.023 err adding adv adv_name on prt adv_port

Long Syntax: NDR.023 error in adding advisor adv_name on port adv_port

Description: Cannot add the advisor due to either the port already is in used, or the advisor table is full, the advisor could not be established on specified port.



Short Syntax: NDR.024 err in adv adv_name on prt adv_port

Long Syntax: NDR.024 error in advisor adv_name on port adv_port

Description: There is an error occurs on the advisor. The error is either the advisor: Failed to create socket for hostlist connection, Failed to connect to manager hostlist port Failed to send authorization successfuly for hostlist connection Failed to write hostlist command Authorization failed on hostlist connection Failed to read count of hosts Failed to read addresses of hosts


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.025 adv mk cnntn on lcl addr ip_addr prt port_number

Long Syntax: NDR.025 advisor makes connection on addr ip_addr and port port_number

Description: The advisor is making a connection.



Short Syntax: NDR.026 adv: sckt err code error_code

Long Syntax: NDR.026 advisor: socket error code error_code

Description: There is a socket error with the advisor



Short Syntax: NDR.027 adv: cnntn fld on prt port_number

Long Syntax: NDR.027 advisor: connection failed on port port_number

Description: The advisor failed to make a connection.



Short Syntax: NDR.028 mgr: host not in table

Long Syntax: NDR.028 manager: Tried to get the info on a host that is not in the table

Description: Tried to get the info on a host that is not in the table



Short Syntax: NDR.029 mgr: Error reading metric report

Long Syntax: NDR.029 manager: Error reading metric report.

Description: There is an error reading metric report data, or number of metrics sent, or port number.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.030 mgr: Metric table has been updated.

Long Syntax: NDR.030 manager: Metric table has been updated.

Description: Metric table has been updated.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.031 mgr: compute comp_type prop: host_name host_weight host_totalweight host_weight_prop

Long Syntax: NDR.031 manager: compute comp_type proportions : host_name host_weight host_totalweight host_weight_prop

Description: Computing proportion


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.032 mgr: Port port_number has been updated

Long Syntax: NDR.032 manager: Port port_number has been updated

Description: A port has been updated


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NDR.033 ha: prev: prev_state evt: event cur: cur_state

Long Syntax: NDR.033 High Availability: previsous: prev_state event: event current: cur_state

Description: State change



Short Syntax: NDR.034 ha: err in State backup_state Event event

Long Syntax: NDR.034 High Availability: error in State backup_state Event event

Description: error in HA



Short Syntax: NDR.035 ha: err in State backup_state Event event

Long Syntax: NDR.035 High Availability: error in State backup_state Event event

Description: error in HA


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.036 ha: Send Gratuitous ARP for : vec_address

Long Syntax: NDR.036 High Availability: Send Gratuitous ARP for : vec_address

Description: Response tp ARP request


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.037 ha: Send pkt cmd

Long Syntax: NDR.037 High Availability: Send packet cmd

Description: Send packet


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.038 ha: rcv pkt cmd

Long Syntax: NDR.038 High Availability: receive packet cmd

Description: receive packet



Short Syntax: NDR.039 internal IP addr is not set

Long Syntax: NDR.039 internal IP address is not set.

Description: internal IP address needs to be set in order advisors can open communication with manager.



Short Syntax: NDR.040 err msg: ec msg

Long Syntax: NDR.040 error message: ec msg

Description: An error mesaage is set by setuerror function



Short Syntax: NDR.041 No mem avail for init.

Long Syntax: NDR.041 No memory available for initialization.

Description: There is not enough memory from heap to allocate.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NDR.042 mgr: Invld mtrc rpt rcvd.

Long Syntax: NDR.042 manager: Invalid metric report received. Report ignored.

Description: The metric report received from the advisor does not appear to be valid. The metric report was ignored.



Short Syntax: NDR.043 Total no. of unique srvr IP addr. exceeds max_unique_servers. Disabling the NDR

Long Syntax: NDR.043 Total no. of unique server IP addresses exceeds max_unique_servers. Disabling the NDR

Description: Too many physical servers(each with a unique server IP address) have been configured. Note that each of these physical servers can be configured under many clusters and ports. Also notice that Network Dispatcher will be disabled whenever this situation is detected.

Action: Modify configuration and make sure that total no. physical servers (each with a unique server IP address) is not more than maximum allowed for the given platform.



Short Syntax: NDR.044 Total no. of srvr for port no. port_no exceeds max_servers_per_port. Disabling the NDR

Long Syntax: NDR.044 Total no. of server for port number port_no exceeds max_servers_per_port. Disabling the NDR

Description: Too many servers on a specific port number have been configured. Note that a unique physical server(with a unique server IP address) can be configured under specific port on multiple clusters and each instance counts towards the limit of maximum allowed for the given platform. Also notice that Network Dispatcher will be disabled whenever this situation is detected.

Action: Modify the configuration.



Short Syntax: NDR.045 Error:Srvr addr server_ip_address is same as cluster address. Disabling the NDR

Long Syntax: NDR.045 Error:Server address server_ip_address is same as cluster address. Disabling the NDR

Description: Server address and Cluster address aren't unique.

Action: Modify the configuration.

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